Especially with the arrival of the new year, we’re all looking for ways to improve our health, our game, and our workout.
However, that can be pretty tough to do when you’re dealing with an injury.
Looking to avoid the frustrating setbacks of a pulled muscle or a tough fall?
Wondering how you can avoid those hefty medical bills for “treatments” you could have easily done yourself?
Are you interested in learning how to manage the pain and speed up the healing process after a minor — but no less annoying — injury?
If so, then you need to read this article. In it, we’re covering the most common sports injuries and telling you how to treat and prevent them.
1. Shin Splints
Are you a distance runner or sprinter? Or, do you play a sport that requires lots of sudden stops and starts on the field or court?
If so, then you’ve probably had to deal with shin splints, one of the most common sports injuries out there. In fact, roughly 60% of all injuries relating to the leg can be classified as shin splints.
In a nutshell, shin splints happen when you’ve improperly warmed up, if you’re not wearing the right shoes, or even if the muscles in your hips and core aren’t quite strong enough.
So, in order to prevent them, you might want to hit the gym a little more often, stretch before and after a workout/game, or invest in a new pair of shoes.
And though the pain you feel in your shins (usually a kind of dull throbbing) might seem severe, there’s no reason to go to the doctor.
Instead, it’s better to sit back, grab an ice pack, and take a couple of ibuprofen to manage the pain. We suggest icing your shin and the rest of the surrounding area for half an hour at a time, about every four hours.
When icing, be sure to elevate your leg for best results.
2. A Pulled Muscle
Aside from shin splints, pulled muscles are also one of the most common sports injuries.
You’ll know if you have one because you’ll feel a dull ache or even shooting pain in a specific area of your body. Most often, that will be your neck, shoulders, or even your groin.
You might even deal with bruising and limited mobility if the strain was especially bad.
Pulled muscles usually happen from overuse, working with too much weight, or even just by taking too sudden of a movement. The tendons in your muscles tear, and though usually they rebuild stronger, it can be a very painful process.
To speed up your healing time, resist the urge to get back on the field. If you go back to working out or playing too soon, you’ll only lengthen your recovery time.
Start by, as you would with a shin splint, icing the affected area (about twenty minutes every two hours will do the trick.) If you’re dealing with severe swelling, keep your leg at least slightly elevated for as long as possible.
Next, it’s time to wrap the pulled muscle by using a compression bandage. Change the bandage at least once a day, and rewrap it if it feels too tight on the pulled muscle. If the pain persists, take an ibuprofen.
If you’re still dealing with pain about five days later, go and see a doctor.
3. Headaches
If you’re surprised to see headaches on a list of the most common sports injuries, don’t be.
In fact, many runners report dealing with intense headaches both during and after distance runs, as do athletes in many other sports.
So, why do these headaches happen?
First of all, they’re a common sign of dehydration. And though scientists are still struggling to explain exactly why they happen, many believe that the blood flow to your brain can be limited by strenuous exercise. This means that oxygen can take longer to reach your brain and that your blood vessels may even contract while working out.
Many people report feeling headaches that can feel a lot like migraines, and that can even last for two days straight.
To prevent them, the first thing to do is drink plenty of water. Additionally, in the future, be sure to cut down on the time you spend doing high-intensity intervals, if possible. When it comes to headaches, bedrest and an aspirin are often the best care.
If they persist, consider changing your diet and even going to bed earlier each night.
Learn more about how to get rid of a headache by visiting the Meditation Club’s website.
Keep in mind that, especially after a more severe fall, a persistent headache can be a sign of a more serious injury, such as a concussion.
If you suspect that you may have suffered a traumatic injury, there is absolutely no reason to take any chances.
Instead, make an appointment with a doctor or head to a local urgent care center immediately to get checked out. Remember, when it comes to head injuries, it’s always better safe than sorry.
4. Tennis Elbow
Many athletes and amateurs alike report dealing with tennis elbow, which happens because of the repeated motion of swinging the racquet.
Over time, the tendon in your elbow is negatively affected, leading to intense pain and swelling that impacts your game.
If your tennis elbow is especially painful, you may need to lay off the court for a while. In the meantime, we suggest taking a pain reliever (even try a topical CBD oil) and working on strengthening your forearm and wrists.
Do this by trying out wrist curls and even buying finger and wrist strengthening equipment online.
Need More Advice About The Most Common Sports Injuries?
Looking for more information about how to get stronger, play better, and prevent these common sports injuries from happening in the first place?
No matter the game or type of workout you’re into, we have all the advice you need on how to take it to the next level.
From the best fitness apps to the food you need to eat to fuel your workout, we’ve got the best tips on how to meet — and exceed your goals for the new year.